Sioport Pastors' Library Launched
In our bid to train more pastoral leaders in Africa, we have continued with our one-week-modular conferences. Sioport is one of the five Pastoral Training Centers (PTCs) that LEADIA conducts. On February 12th to 17th 2007, we held our fourth training session in Sioport, Kenya. We covered topics on: Preaching and Communication, Church ministry and Administration, and Old Testament Survey. We also held workshops on youth and family ministries.
In addition to this kind of training, we launched a Pastors Lending Library with over ten books, and we intend to keep building on this.
Kampala Library
Our first library was launched in Kampala at the end of 2006 and now has about one hundred books (commentaries, dictionaries, and other Bible study and theology guidebooks). We are grateful to our friends who have contributed to this.
One of the greatest challenges in the African Christian ministry is having access to ministry and study resources. We call on all those who have a heart to help pastors in Africa, to consider this as a critical need indeed. You could forward this note to churches, colleges, or seminaries, who update their libraries often, so that they may send those books and resources (CDs, Tapes, DVDs, etc) they no longer use. We will of course appreciate brand new stuff as well!
Some comments from the pastors who attended the conference:
“If we had been taught these things before, our ministries would have been different”
"It is good that we are being taught how to prepare Biblical sermons; before we used to preach [attacking] people.” Pr. Gilbert Bwiire – Harvest Fellowship Church.
“We are changed; we will never be the same again” Pr. Alphonse Makolomba – Assemblies of Christ Church.
“We were not allowed [by our denominations] to go to theological colleges. Thank you for coming to us.’ One of the youth pastors after the conference.
"This is a great milestone in our ministry.” Brother Aurah, commenting after the launch of the resource library.
Thank you to all who have identified with our cause of multiplying spiritual leaders in Africa.
If you would like to know more about LEADIA, about our programs please contact us on the address below:
Attn: Emmanuel Akatukunda,
P. O. Box 28848, Kampala, Uganda.
Phone: 256-712-355049, 256-712-954205